Building Wide Public & Private WiFi Network
Redfortress was requested to upgrade the Marlowe Theatre’s internal network.
The Marlowe Theatre is based in Canterbury and has a very full schedule of events throughout each week, so the network needed to handle the load and have spare capacity.
Strong WiFi Signal
Reliable WiFi was required on all floors & rooms including the basement.
1000’s Simultaneous Connections
Provide reliable internet to an entire audience, a challenge with so many devices connected.
Speed & Bandwidth Allowances
Staff and public traffic are isolated allowing staff and administrators full bandwidth.
We installed 22 Wireless Access Point all around the building.
Customers have a dedicated Guest WiFi login which is kept separate from the rest of the network.
Staff are able to walk around every area of the Theatre without losing connectivity including in the basement, changing rooms and auditorium.
Internet connectivity is separated for designated users.
Some users require more bandwidth than others and our system allows for all kinds of bandwidth control measures to be put in place to improve staff and customer experience.
Content filters can also be set up to restrict access to certain sites/domains to improve productivity.